Project presentation


PERCEIVE aims at creating a new way to perceive, preserve, curate, exhibit, understand and access coloured Cultural Heritage collections and Digital Artworks, promoting their re-appropriation. These collections are a priority because of their high fragility that requires shared methods to preserve and exhibit them, because of the complexity of their study and because of the significance of being able to properly communicate these to future generations.  PERCEIVE supports the shaping of a European common identity around the concepts of “care” and “diversity” and at the same time strengthen the digital market for the creative industries. 

The PERCEIVE project starts from the twofold needs of better preserving and communicating coloured artworks and, at the same time, improving and speeding up scientific process results, which could be employed to maximize visitors’ experience with a variety of digital-coloured collections. PERCEIVE is developed around 5 key scenarios: 1- Lost  Polychromy of Classical Sculpture; 2- Fading colours in Paintings; 3- Fading colours in Textiles; 4- Historical Photos; 5- Digital Art. 

PERCEIVE aims at advancing the digital capability of scientists and cultural institutions, through a service-based AI architecture and toolkit; and by developing a new design theory for on-site and remote XR experiences, based on “Care” “Accessibility” and “Authenticity” concepts, with and for the creative industries, expanding the access to Cultural Heritage and Art also outside museums for a wider integration with the society.  

The project methodology is focused on reconstructing the original perception of the coloured artworks obtaining new images to be applied to the digital artworks, predicting the future development of colour changes, using the results of the reconstruction and prediction in interactive prototypes (the PERCEIVE experiences) and in the definition of methodological guidelines for exhibiting the coloured collections. 


  • FORTH (GR)
  • IMKI (FR)
  • NTNU  Colourlab (NO)
  • MANN Museum – MIC (IT)
  • MUNCH Museum (NO)
  • Art Institute of Chicago (USA)
  • HSLU (CH)
  • Victoria & Albert Museum (UK)

Please download the project presentation on pdf.

See here the Italian Version.

PERCEIVE Press info : Ivana Cerato ( 
The event will be open to the scientific community, cultural institutions and the citizens.  

It will be a unique occasion to explore the beauty, fragility and challenges of colour reconstruction and conservation of the vast collections of sculptures, paintings, textiles, photos and digital artworks around the world. During the day, main speakers coming from 11 institutions, 8 countries and 4 main museums, including the MANN of Naples, the Munch Museum of Oslo, the Victoria and Albert Museum of London and the Art Institute Museum of Chicago, will present their activities, priorities and masterpieces.  

In line with their presentations, 3 companies (Anamnesia, Imki and Hoverlay) and 5 research institutes, starting from the coordinator of the project, CNR ISPC, together with the Fraunhofer IGD in Germany, FORTH in Greece, NTNU in Norway and HSLU in Switzerland, will try to pave the way to a future new understanding and re-appropriation of these collections, diverse, but with this common element: colour, how it was conceived and perceived. 

During the following days, 7th and 8th of March, PERCEIVE partners will face questions such as “is it possible to predict colour changes?” “How can we reconstruct lost colours?”, and many others. The experts will meet and lay the foundations for this new approach to coloured collections. 

PERCEIVE Press info : Ivana Cerato (
PERCEIVE MANN info: Francesca de Lucia, tel.+393356358348 (  
MANN Press:, tel.+390814422205