PERCEIVE Call for Datasets

🖫🖳🗁 PERCEIVE Call for datasets 🖫🖳🗁

    This call for collaboration invites researchers and institutions to contribute datasets to enhance the application of Artificial Intelligence tools and services for better analysis, restoration, and understanding of cultural heritage artifacts.

Collaboration Focus

  • Material/Appearance capture from Mockups: PERCEIVE partners have mockups of textiles (size 1.5 x 1.5 cm), and pigments painted on paros marbles (width: 5 x 5 cm and height: 3 cm). The collaboration will be about obtaining accurate SVBRDF measurements of these mockups along with detailed shading model description used to capture them. The corresponding BRDF textures (material assets) should have adequate resolution (min: 1024 x 1024).
  • Capturing XRF data on mockups of pigments:
    PERCEIVE partners need to create ‘quantized’ gradual pigment mixtures of 2 pigments (6 areas per pigment pair, 2 for the pure pigments and 5 for specific mixture percentages). These pigments pairs need to be for pigments ideally present in the Cezanne and Munch paintings.
Mix (%) Table Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 5 Area 6
Pigment 1 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%
Pigment 2 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

    The setup must guarantee that the XRF maps and the hyperspectral images will be aligned at the “pixel” level so that an accurate combination of XRF and hyperspectral image information can be performed. This way we will be able to have ground truth data to test the mixing performance of the algorithms we generate in the consortium.

  • Capturing Microfading data of mockups:
    •   PERCEIVE partners seek spectral and color microfading data and/or traditional fading data (in an aging chamber) for fresh pigment mockups of ultramarine blues, red lakes, cobalt blues and cardboard to render the aging of all pigments in The Scream.
    •   Furthermore, PERCEIVE partners also seek specialized expertise to create watercolor mockups of original paintings and to assess the lightfastness of these mockups using an appropriate measurement setup. This data is to be used in two watercolor paintings within Perceive (Cezanne’s Road in Provence and Munch’s lithography of The Scream). The pigments used in Cezanne’s watercolours are Emerald green, Cobalt blue, Viridian, Red lake, Iron oxide. The pigments use in The Scream watercolor lithography are Vermilion, Prussian Blue, Cadmium Yellow.

Local contacts:
🖂 Neil Sinha Saptarshi
🖂 Laura Martel