Press release

06.03.2023, PERCEIVE launch event
Auditorium of the National Archaeological Museum of Naples (MANN), Italy

PERCEIVE, the European project on Coloured Collections, AI and Virtual Experiences, will be launched, on 6th of March 2023, at the Auditorium of the National Archaeological Museum of Naples (MANN), during a special event open to scholar communities, cultural and creative sectors and civil society.

It will be a unique occasion to explore the beauty and fragility of coloured artworks and assess the challenge of colour conservation and reconstruction together with multidisciplinary scholars and experts from 8 countries and 11 institutions. Speakers from 4 museums, including the MANN of Naples, the Munch Museum of Oslo, the Victoria and Albert Museum of London and the Art Institute of Chicago, will present their collections, activities and priorities. 3 companies (Anamnesia, Imki and Hoverlay) and 5 research institutes, starting from the coordinator of the project, CNR ISPC, together with the German Fraunhofer IGD, the Greek FORTH, the Norwegian NTNU and the Swiss HSLU, will try to pave the way towards innovating the museum visitor experience and towards a future of new discoveries and re-appropriation of these collections, diverse, but with a common element: colour and its perception.

During the days of 7 and 8 March, then, the PERCEIVE partners will continue to work behind closed doors, to try to answer some crucial questions, including “how can we predict the change and deterioration of the colors of our heritage? “How can we reconstruct the lost colors of ancient statuary and artworks?”. These experts will meet, discuss and lay the foundations for a new approach to cultural heritage and its colours.

See here the Italian Version.

For more info:
PERCEIVE Press info: Ivana Cerato (
PERCEIVE MANN info: Francesca de Lucia, tel.+393356358348 (
MANN Press:, tel.+390814422205