PERCEIVE aims at advancing the digital capability of scientists and cultural institutions through a service-based AI architecture and toolkit, and by developing a new design theory for on-site and remote VR/AR/MR experiences, based on the concepts of “Care”, “Accessibility”, and “Authenticity”, with and for the creative industries, expanding the access to Cultural Heritage and Art outside museums for wider integration with society.

Descriptive text of the image for accessibility

Coloured collections are a priority due to their high fragility, requiring shared methods to preserve and exhibit them. For instance, textiles fade within only 10 years, and only minute traces of the original polychromy on classical statues remain. The complexity of their study, especially the attempts at reconstructing their original appearance, and the significance of properly communicating these to future generations are also pivotal concerns.

This will support the shaping of a European common identity around the concepts of “care” and “diversity” while simultaneously strengthening the digital market for the creative industries. The PERCEIVE project addresses the dual needs of better preserving and communicating colored artworks and, at the same time, improving and speeding up scientific process results, which could be employed to maximize visitors’ experience with a variety of digital colored collections, including those for paintings, antique sculptures, tapestries, garments, and born-digital artworks.

Following the coronavirus emergency, museums proved to lack the needed digital policy that would guarantee more sustainability through remote access for visitors.

Our expected outcomes include new services, tools, and prototypes, such as a PERCEIVE Tool Kit bridged to an online, easy-to-use Service; PERCEIVE Experience Prototypes for visitors; and a PERCEIVE Design Tool Kit for designers, arts professionals, and educators. The project methodology will focus on:

Our Objectives

PERCEIVE will transform the way color in Digital Cultural Heritage and Digital Art is communicated, through a ground-breaking interdisciplinary approach to appearance and quality, defining a novel comprehensive framework for capturing, processing, assessing, representing, communicating, and reproducing color images, to serve the current and future needs of stakeholders and individual users.