Digital Cultural Heritage Cluster
With the support of the European Commission, the PERCEIVE project is part of the Digital Cultural Heritage Cluster network, that interconnect projects funded under the same Program. Specifically PERCEIVE is working towards the development of a common dissemination and communication plan, together with:

The MuseIT Project started on October first, 2022. With the broader ambition of equality, democratisation and social inclusion, MuseIT proposes technologies that facilitate and widen access to cultural assets, and helps preserve and safeguard cultural heritage in an inclusive way

The overall objective of PREMIERE is to develop and validate a comprehensive ecosystem of digital applications, powered by leading edge AI, XR and 3D technologies, designed to fulfil the needs of diverse end-user communities involved in the main stages of the of the lifecycle of performing arts productions, including amateur and professional performers, performance art producers and curators, performance art spectators and scholars

More and more victims of Nazi persecution and eyewitnesses of the Holocaust pass away. To keep their memories alive, it is therefore imperative to develop new strategies to tell their stories to younger generations. MEMORISE will make use of digital technology to digitize diaries of victims, testimonials, and other materials that inhere memories, and make them accessible to the public in new forms. Our plans include the development of a novel smartphone app that narrates victims’ experiences based on diaries, augmented reality (AR) solutions to enhance memorial site visitor experiences, and a web-based interface that gives access to all materials and supports narrative virtual experiences for everyone

The project MEMENTOES pairs three museums focused on historical injustices – the USSR’s gulags, wars impacting children, and a mining disaster – with independent game developers. Together, they’ll develop games that allow users to inhabit the perspectives of different groups involved in these events, emphasizing the experiences of regular people. The consortium will also publish guidelines and best practices for partnerships between museums and game developers, so the MEMENTOES approach can be replicated in future projects

SHIFT is strategically conceived to deliver a set of loosely coupled, technological tools, that offers cultural heritage institutions the necessary impetus to stimulate growth, and embrace the latest innovations in artificial intelligence, machine learning, multi-modal data processing, digital content transformation methodologies, semantic representation, linguistic analysis of historical records, and the use of haptics interfaces to effectively and efficiently communicate new experiences to all citizens (including people with disabilities)